Realization Process Therapy
A Nondual Somatic Psychotherapy Training Certification Program
Realization Process Therapy
Realization Process Therapy is a method for facilitating embodied psychological health and nondual spiritual awakening. It is a uniquely transformational, comprehensive approach to psychological and relational healing that builds on and includes the meditation, embodiment and trauma release practices of the Realization Process. In this approach, the direction of healing is viewed as the ability to feel fully alive within one’s body, to experience deep contact with oneself and others, and to be open in one’s body, heart and mind to the underlying oneness of all life.
In the Realization Process, personal and spiritual maturity are considered a single process. Both psychological health and nondual spiritual awakening are approached by uncovering an undivided, fundamental dimension of consciousness pervading one’s body and environment as a unity. The Realization Process Therapy Training focuses on the refinement of the therapist’s ability to apply the realization of fundamental consciousness to the therapeutic process.
The realization of fundamental consciousness has great relevance for psychological healing. Because we experience it pervading our body, it feels like the deepest contact that we can have with our individual being. It is experienced as the basis of our individual wholeness and authenticity. It frees, refines, deepens and integrates all of our human capacities, so that we can know, feel, sense, perceive and respond with our whole being. It opens us to an innate wellspring of love and happiness, and to the unbreakable ground of our being that has never been injured.
Pervading our body and environment, it is experienced as the basis of our oneness with everyone and everything around us. It helps to resolve attachment difficulties by providing our true boundaries – our ability to experience deep contact with other people without losing inward contact with ourselves. It enriches, deepens and refines our contact with other people and with all of nature.
The Three Main Realization Process Trainings
In the three main trainings, you learn the gentle, powerful attunement practices of The Realization Process.
- The Meditation training teaches specific practices for realizing and stabilizing in nondual reality.
- The practices of the Embodiment training help you to feel fully alive and present within your whole body. They enhance resilience to emotional and sensory stimuli, grounding, the integration of awareness, emotion and physical sensation, and a sense of belonging within one’s own body in any circumstance.
- The Healing Ground training teaches the application of fundamental consciousness to the release of trauma based patterns that are bound within the body. The release of these patterns heals chronic fragmentations in our own being, between ourself and other people, and between ourself and our environment. It helps remove obstacles to personal maturity and nondual realization.
The completion of any of these three main trainings prepares and authorizes you to teach that aspect of the Realization Process. Full certification as a Realization Process teacher is awarded at the completion of these three trainings. They can be taken in any order. To register for one of the main Realization Process teacher trainings, visit the Teacher Trainings page.
The Therapy Training Format
This fourth training is for those who want to use the Realization Process specifically for helping people heal psychological wounding. The training can help both experienced and aspiring psychotherapists to meet with clients in the pervasive space of fundamental consciousness, and to trust the spontaneous emergence of the healing process from this undivided ground. The stable attunement to fundamental consciousness can help you contact your clients from the innermost core of your being, remain grounded and embodied as a support for your clients’ most intense emotions, and refine your perception so that you can see the patterns of openness and constriction within their bodies without leaving your own body. It can help free the natural upwelling of your empathy and compassion.
The training will be taught online, in a small group format. It will provide detailed information about the process of embodied, nondual spiritual psychotherapy, many hours of practice listening and responding while attuned to the pervasive space of fundamental consciousness, as well as supervised sessions, feedback and guidance. Classes will be provided by Judith Blackstone, the founder of the Realization Process, along with experienced senior Realization Process teacher trainers, Marcia Haarer, Christi Bemister and Cindy Cunningham. Supervision will be provided by Marcia Haarer, Christi Bemister and Cindy Cunningham. At the completion of this training, you will receive certification as a Realization Process Therapist.
You will learn how to:
- Remain attuned to fundamental consciousness as you listen and respond to the client.
- Trust the spontaneous unfolding of the healing process.
- Refine your perception so that you can track the internal shifts within your client and yourself at the same time.
- Help your client find and resolve the childhood roots of their emotional distress and unhealthy patterns of belief and behavior.
- Be a fully embodied, supportive, finely attuned therapeutic presence without being intrusive.
- Facilitate and deepen the process of psychological healing through evocative, compassionate dialogue.
- Refine your ability to guide the Realization Process Release Technique.
- Skillfully weave the Realization Process embodiment and meditation practices, and the unique Realization Process Release Technique with verbal process and understanding.
In order to be eligible for the Realization Process Therapy Training, you need to have completed the Meditation, Embodiment and Healing Ground trainings. You can take those three trainings in any order. You also need to have done at least two years of your personal psychotherapy and at least five private sessions with a senior Realization Process teacher.
You need to be able to teach, without the script, the main Realization Process practices: attunement to fundamental consciousness, the core breath, standing and walking as fundamental consciousness, the qualities of fundamental consciousness, foundational grounding and standing and walking as presence and emptiness. Although it may feel challenging to memorize the practices, being able to teach without the script gives you ownership of the practices, freeing you to be present and spontaneous with your client or student and helping you to skillfully integrate the embodiment, relational and spiritual attunement work into your psychotherapeutic session. The words will begin to feel like your own, so that you can communicate them authentically to your client.
We suggest that you cultivate a daily practice of living with a key phrase, such as “initiate the breath within the head center” and saying it out loud as if you are speaking to a good friend. The ability to express the instructions of the Realization Process practices with grounded, gentle communication is a key aspect of becoming an effective Realization Process teacher and therapist.
Your certification, at the completion of the training, will be Realization Process Therapist.
Note: The purpose of the Realization Process Therapy Training is to teach the application of fundamental consciousness to psychotherapy. It does not teach psychotherapy as a whole or fulfill the qualifications of a professional discipline. If this is the first step in your therapeutic training, and you wish to practice as a psychotherapist or professional counselor, you will need to follow the laws of your state (or country) regarding graduate degrees, additional training required for licensure, and use of the psychotherapist title.
This training should also not be taken solely for your own healing. The focus will be on honing therapeutic presence and skills.
Judith Blackstone, PhD
Judith is the founder of the Realization Process. She was a psychotherapist in private practice for thirty-five years in New York City and retired to teach Realization Process full time. Her books include Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness; The Intimate Life; The Enlightenment Process; Belonging Here: a Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person; The Empathic Ground: Intersubjectivity and Nonduality in the Psychotherapeutic Process; and The Fullness of the Ground: A Guide to Embodied Spiritual Awakening.
Marcia Haarer, LMSW
Marcia brings a warm grounded presence to her teaching and psychotherapy style. Her generous heart and gentle curiosity help people feel seen, and in turn brings out the best in them to see themselves. A Realization Process Therapist for 14 years, she embodies the wisdom of her 40 years as a trauma therapist, and the joy she experiences as a devoted seeker on the spiritual path.
Christi Bemister, MEd, PsyD
Christi is a licensed psychologist, spiritual mentor, and esoteric bodyworker for 30+ years. The focus of her doctorate-level training was well-being in adulthood along with healing from chronic pain, addiction, and illness. Christi also has a master’s degree in education supporting instructional design and training teachers. She has decades of spiritual, meditation, and esoteric training of teachers including as a Realization Process Senior Teacher.
Cindy Cunningham, DTM DHTC CThA
Cindy’s main focus over the past 5 years has been her Realization Process Healing Ground practice, helping people recover themselves from trauma. She trained in a three-year experiential psychotherapy program which included centering practices and meditation. She has a diploma in Holistic Therapeutic Counseling. Cindy was a bodyworker for 30 years and wove her therapy and counseling skills into her bodywork. She has studied Realization Process for 12 years and runs classes, workshops and retreats as a Realization Process Senior Teacher.
Main Principles
- The embodied realization of fundamental consciousness is the basis of psychological health and maturity. It is experienced as the authentic ground of our individual wholeness, and our self-other oneness, at the same time.
- Attunement to fundamental consciousness, pervading the therapist and client, evokes a spontaneous healing process.
- As a Realization Process therapist, you can track the internal organization and shifts that occur within the client’s body and your own body, at the same time.
- Realization Process does not label or categorize personality types or behaviors. We attune to the unique organization of each individual as it presents and changes in each moment.
- The therapist does not heal the client. Even the therapeutic relationship, although important, does not heal the client. There is a self-healing function within each person. Clients need a connected, compassionate but non-intrusive support for their inward healing process.
Code of Ethics
- Treat colleagues, clients, and students with respect and consideration at all times.
- Do not behave in any manner that may bring the Realization Process, its members, or the tradition or practice of the Realization Process into disrepute.
- Observe confidentiality of student/client information at all times.
- Do not harm or manipulate the student/client in any way or take advantage of them for the purpose of personal, monetary, social or sexual exploitation.
- Nine three-hour live classes via Zoom. Classes include theory, practice, supervision and discussion. All classes are on Fridays, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
- Two weekends with Judith Blackstone – in October and March
- Four private 60 minute sessions with your assigned supervisor.
- Weekly practice sessions with your assigned partner from within the training group, and with at least one client from outside of the group.
- A written diary about your practice sessions and your own process as a Realization Process therapist. A monthly report of your work with your practice partner and outside client to be sent to your supervisor. These six reports are required for certification.
- Required reading: Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness, by Judith Blackstone
Class One with Judith Blackstone
Friday, October 3, 2025, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Specificity and emergent process, listening and responding as fundamental consciousness, deepening, amplifying, and grounding.
Weekend One with Judith Blackstone
October 18-19, 2025, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern
Main principles of Realization Process Therapy, how trauma is held in the body, practice listening and responding as fundamental consciousness, subtle perception (see-feel), Judith works with everyone in the group.
October 20-November 7
Sixty-minute supervision session with your assigned supervisor.
Class Two with Judith Blackstone
Friday, October 31, 2025, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Tracing suffering to its roots in childhood and adolescence. Helping people uncover childhood and adolescent memories and resolve beliefs based on those memories.
Class Three with Cindy Cunningham
Friday, November 14, 2025, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Review and practice of Realization Process methods of release.
December 1-19, 2025
Sixty-minute supervision session with your assigned supervisor.
Class Four with Marcia Haarer
Friday, December 5, 2025 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Helping people recover their innate qualities, embodying those qualities as a therapist.
Class Five with Judith Blackstone
Thursday, December 19, 2025, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Evoking, containing and processing intense memories and emotions.
Class Six with Christi Bemister
Friday, January 9, 2026, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Working with chronic pain and anxiety.
Class Seven with Marcia Haarer
Friday, January 23, 2026, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Therapeutic presence, the therapeutic relationship, boundary issues, working with projections, the challenges of being in the therapist’s role.
January 28-February 13, 2026
Sixty-minute supervision session with your assigned supervisor.
Class Eight with Christi Bemister
Friday, February 6, 2026, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Working with cultural and ancestral issues, cultural sensitivity, helping people heal from bigotry, recognizing privilege.
Class Nine with Cindy Cunningham
Thursday, February 27, 2026, 12:00-3:15 PM Eastern
Healing depression.
March 7-28, 2026
Sixty-minute supervision session with your assigned supervisor.
Weekend Two with Judith Blackstone
March 28-29, 2026, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern
Creating a therapy session integrating dialogue with the Realization Process practices.
Cost and Application Process
Payment Schedule:
$600 when accepted into the program
$1550 by October 1, 2025
$800 by January 1, 2026
To apply for the Realization Process Therapy Training, please email Judith Blackstone at [email protected] for an application.
After practicing as a psychotherapist for more than 30 years, I have attended many psychotherapy trainings and meditation workshops. Judith’s Realization Process got my immediate attention as a radical game changing experience after my first training day. Not only did Judith’s exquisite teaching deliver in creating an accessible inner and outer space in the workshop setting, but her elegantly simple instructions made it possible to recreate the experience at home in my personal and professional life. The concept that we can access the most subtle level of consciousness within ourselves is not new. But the Realization Process method showed me that by going into my body, becoming embodied, I become more spacious, conscious, more myself. Rather than transcending the body, Judith taught me to find space within myself, within my physical, mental and emotional holding patterns. Her method teaches how to release these patterns to the space itself. That is radical. As a psychotherapist, I feel empowered to teach people how to let the space do the listening, seeing and healing.