About The Realization Process

A Direct Path to Embodied Nondual Awakening

In the Realization Process, the radical openness of nondual realization is based on deep contact with the internal space of one’s body.  In this way, we discover an authentic, quality-rich experience of our individual being at the same time as we transcend our individuality.  We realize ourselves as fundamental, unified consciousness, pervading our own form and our environment as a whole.

The Realization Process includes Nondual Meditation for deepening and stabilizing in nondual reality, Embodiment and Movement for embodying the clear light of fundamental consciousness in one’s whole body, Healing Ground for personal maturity and psychological healing and Empathic Ground for relational healing and attuning to fundamental consciousness with another person and in groups.

Uncovering the fundamental ground of our being suffuses all of our experiences with radiant transparency. Releasing limiting patterns to embody our authentic nature frees us to love, understand, create, speak, and open to an innate source of calm and happiness.  It heals the chronic fragmentations in our own being and between ourselves, other people, and our environment.  Relational practices dissolve fixed patterns of relating with others. The Realization Process embodiment and movement practices cultivate our capacity to feel vibrantly alive and at home in our own body.  They also apply fundamental consciousness to healing chronic bodily tensions and structural imbalances.

Judith Blackstone and certified Realization Process teachers offer classes, workshops, and teacher certification trainings in the Realization Process.

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