Teacher Trainings

Preparation for the Realization Process Teacher Trainings

Requirements: If you are taking your first Realization Process teacher training, you must have at least five hours of prior experience of the Realization Process practices with Judith Blackstone or a Realization Process teacher in classes, workshops or private sessions (not a recording or a book).  Senior teachers are listed on the Senior Teachers page of this website.  If your RP teacher is not listed there, you may write to [email protected] to ask if your teacher qualifies to provide you with some or all of the five hours.  There are also workshops and classes, taught by Judith and by fully certified teachers listed on the Schedule of Events page of this website.

Additionally, you need to do at least one session with a Realization Process Teacher Trainer or Assistant Teacher Trainer (listed on the Senior Teachers page) to review the two main Realization Process practices: 1) Attunement to Fundamental Consciousness, 2) Core Breath.  That teacher should send an email to Judith at [email protected] confirming that you have completed your session.  There are new requirements for the Healing Ground training, listed on the schedule below.

New:  Realization Process Therapy Certification Training.  Requires completion of the three main Realization Process trainings.  For more information.


Upcoming Trainings

Realization Process Healing Ground Certification Training

In Person!  Spring, 2025

Healing Ground is the spiritual psychotherapy aspect of the Realization Process.  This training teaches the main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, and their application to personal maturity and psychological healing. Specific practices are taught for listening and responding to another person as fundamental consciousness, for subtle reading of constrictions and openness in one’s own and another person’s body, and for recognizing and releasing emotional wounds and trauma-based constrictions from the body.

The Realization Process practices can help people access a dimension of themselves that has never been injured, that is deeper and more subtle than even the most strongly held negative beliefs, depression and anxiety.  They also develop sensory and emotional resilience, grounding, self-possession, and self-acceptance.  They can help sensitive people live more comfortably in the world.

Format: The training is taught in two five-day parts.  For Part One, you have a choice between the senior Realization Process teachers listed below.  Part Two is taught by Judith Blackstone.  Registration is limited to thirty  people.

Healing Ground Training Part One options:

  • With Roma Hammel in Los Altos Hills, California, April 1-5, 2025

Email: [email protected] For more information about Roma, click here

  • With Marcia Haarer and Christi Bemister in Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 22-26, 2025

Email: [email protected]  For more information about Marcia and Christi, click here

  • With Cindy Cunningham in Edinburgh, Scotland, April 19-23, 2025

Email: [email protected]  For more information about Cindy, click here

Part Two

With Judith Blackstone in Woodstock, New York, June 5-9, 2025

Registration for part one is a commitment to complete both parts of the training.

Requirements to register: 

If this is your first Realization Process teacher certification training:  You need to be a psychotherapist, or a therapist in training, a coach, body worker, yoga teacher or in another related healing or teaching profession.   If you are not in a healing or teaching profession, please take the Realization Process Embodiment or Meditation Teacher Training before you take the Healing Ground Training.

You also need to have at least five hours of prior experience with the Realization Process with Judith or a senior Realization Process teacher (not a recording or a book), and at least two privates session with a senior Realization Process teacher.

Requirements for everyone (unless you are repeating the Healing Ground training): You need to have had at least two years of your own psychotherapy, and have current access to a psychotherapist.

Certification: Realization Process Healing Ground Teacher.

Cost: $800 for each part.  $600 for each part if you are repeating the Healing Ground Training. The tuition does not include lodging.  You are responsible for your own lodging and travel arrangements.

Note: The teacher certification trainings are for people who intend to teach the Realization Process or to integrate it into their current professional work.  (Exceptions may be made for long-time RP students and people who have taken previous RP certification trainings.)

To Register: Please download this form Healing.Ground.application_2025 and email it to Judith at [email protected].  You will be sent an invoice, via PayPal (but you can use any credit card) to pay a $300 deposit.  The deposit is applied to part two of the training.  It is not refundable, except in emergencies.  When we receive your deposit, your application will be forwarded to the teacher of your choice for part one of the training, and they will invoice you for part one.  Please let Judith know if you have difficulty downloading the form.

Judith Blackstone will also teach the Healing Ground training in the six-month online format beginning in October, 2025.

Online Realization Process Embodiment Certification Summer Training

With Judith Blackstone, Candace Cave and Theresa Scott

Summer, 2025 – dates to be announced

Online, via Zoom

This training includes the main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, as well as specific embodiment and gentle movement practices for attuning to fundamental consciousness within one’s whole body. These practices cultivate internal unity, balance, fluidity, presence and subtle energy within the body.

As the embodiment of fundamental consciousness, we become both empty and present at the same time.  We know ourselves as the integration of awareness, emotion and physical sensation.  We perceive, understand, touch, move, and express ourselves with the whole breadth of our being.

Participants will learn how to recognize and help people resolve chronic imbalances and tensions in the body that limit embodiment and the realization of fundamental consciousness. The training is also an opportunity to deepen your own embodiment and realization of nondual, fundamental consciousness.

Format – Sixteen three-hour online classes: Twelve with Candace Cave and Theresa Scott, four with Judith Blackstone

Requirements to register:  If this is your first Realization Process teacher certification training, you need at least five hours of prior experience with the Realization Process with Judith or a Realization Process teacher (not a recording or a book), and at least one private session with a senior Realization Process teacher.

Certification: Realization Process Embodiment Teacher

Cost: $1600.  ($1200 if you are repeating the Embodiment Training.)

Note: The teacher certification trainings are for people who intend to teach the Realization Process or to integrate it into their current professional work.  (Exceptions may be made for long-time RP students and people who have taken previous RP certification trainings.)

Registration will open soon.

Online Realization Process Healing Ground Certification Training

With Judith Blackstone

October, 2025 – April, 2026

Online, via Zoom

Healing Ground is the spiritual psychotherapy aspect of the Realization Process.  This training teaches the main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, and their application to personal maturity and psychological healing. Specific practices are taught for listening and responding to another person as fundamental consciousness, for subtle reading of constrictions and openness in one’s own and another person’s body, and for recognizing and releasing emotional wounds and trauma-based constrictions from the body.

The Realization Process practices can help people access a dimension of themselves that has never been injured, that is deeper and more subtle than even the most strongly held negative beliefs, depression and anxiety.  They also develop sensory and emotional resilience, grounding, self-possession, and self-acceptance.  They can help sensitive people live more comfortably in the world.

Dates of classes with Judith – Fridays, 1:00-2:30 PM Eastern.  Dates to be announced.

Format – twelve ninety-minute classes live on Zoom with Judith, optional review classes with Candace Cave, eleven reports/questions answered by Judith via email, weekly practice with a partner assigned to you within the group, monthly practice with someone outside of the group, optional peer cohort practice sessions

Requirements to register:

If this is your first Realization Process teacher certification training:  You need to be a psychotherapist, or a therapist in training, a coach, body worker, yoga teacher or in another related healing or teaching profession.   If you are not in a healing or teaching profession, please take the Realization Process Embodiment or Meditation Teacher Training before you take the Healing Ground Training.  You also need to have at least five hours of prior experience with the Realization Process with Judith or a senior Realization Process teacher (not a recording or a book), and at least two privates session with a senior Realization Process teacher.

Requirements for everyone (unless you are repeating the Healing Ground training): You need to have had at least two years of your own psychotherapy, and have current access to a psychotherapist.

Certification: Healing Ground Teacher

Cost: $1600.  ($1200 if you are repeating the Healing Ground Training.)

Note: The teacher certification trainings are for people who intend to teach the Realization Process or to integrate it into their current professional work.  (Exceptions may be made for long-time RP students and people who have taken previous RP certification trainings.)

Registration will open soon.

The Main Realization Process Trainings


The main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, as well as specific practices for cultivating the subtlety, openness, luminosity and steadiness of nondual realization. This training includes sitting, standing and walking meditations for opening subtle perception, refining your breath and energy and deepening your innate capacities for love, pleasure and mental clarity.  In the Realization Process, we access and live within the subtle, vertical core of the body and the internal space of the body in order to let go more completely into our primary nature–the pervasive expanse of fundamental consciousness.  Participants will learn how to perceive and help people overcome individual obstacles to nondual realization, and how to accelerate results in meditation practice for both beginning and advanced practitioners.

Certification: Realization Process Meditation Teacher

Schedule: In-person two-module format in Spring, 2026, and Online format in October, 2026-April, 2027

Embodiment – Registration now open

The main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, as well as specific embodiment and gentle movement practices for cultivating internal unity, balance, fluidity, presence and subtle energy within the body.  As the embodiment of fundamental consciousness, we become both empty and present at the same time.   We know ourselves as the integration of awareness, emotion and physical sensation.  We perceive, understand, touch, move, and express ourselves with the whole breadth of our being.  Participants will learn how to recognize and help people resolve chronic imbalances and tensions in the body that limit their embodiment and realization of fundamental consciousness.

Certification: Realization Process Embodiment Teacher

Schedule: Online format in October, 2027-April, 2028, and Summer, 2028

Healing Ground (Spiritual Psychotherapy)

The main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening, and their application to personal maturity and psychological healing. Specific practices are taught for listening and responding to another person as fundamental consciousness, for subtle reading of constrictions and openness in one’s own and another person’s body, and for recognizing and releasing emotional wounds and trauma-based constrictions from the body.  The Realization Process practices can help people access a dimension of themselves that has never been injured, that is deeper and more subtle than even the most strongly held negative beliefs, depression and anxiety.  They also develop sensory and emotional resilience, grounding, self-possession, and self-acceptance.  They can help sensitive people live more comfortably in the world.

Certification: Realization Process Healing Ground Teacher

Schedule: In-person two-module format in Spring, 2025, and Online format in October, 2025-April, 2026, and Summer online format in 2026.  Note: Beginning in 2008, you will no longer be able to take the Healing Ground training as your first Realization Process certification training.  You will need to take the Meditation or Embodiment training (or both) before you take the Healing Ground training.


Supplemental and Advanced Realization Process Certification Trainings

Trauma Repair Advanced Training

This training provides in-depth training and supervision in the application of the Realization Process practices to psychological healing. Emphasis will be on refining your use of the Realization Process trauma release technique, refining your perception of trauma-based holding patterns in the client’s body, listening and responding to a client as fundamental consciousness, applying the Realization Process practices to healing a range of psychological issues including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, sexual abuse, physical abuse, social and intimacy difficulties, inter-generational and cultural trauma, and overwhelm from sensitivity to emotional and sensory stimuli.

Format: Two weekends with Judith on Zoom

Requirements for registration: Full certification in the Realization Process (completion of all three main trainings: Meditation, Embodiment and Healing Ground). At least one year of professional experience in a healing modality.  This training is only for people who are using or plan to use the Realization Process Healing Ground practices with their clients.

Certification: Realization Process Trauma Repair Therapist

Schedule: to be announced

Empathic Ground

The main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening as well as specific practices for helping couples attune to each other as fundamental consciousness, and for facilitating mutual attunement in groups of people.  Participants will learn how to recognize and help people release limitations in their contact with other people, to balance separation and intimacy in their relationships, and to resolve the fears that emerge in relationships and in groups.  When two people, or a group of people, attune to fundamental consciousness together, they experience that they are made of the same expanse of consciousness pervading their own body and the bodies of other people at the same time.  This is the basis of our true boundaries.  We can experience deep contact with other people, without losing inward contact with ourselves.  The mutual attunement to fundamental consciousness also helps people relate more authentically, with less projection, and with the love, empathy and compassion that emerge spontaneously when we realize nonduality.

Format: Five days with Judith in Woodstock, NY.

Requirements for registration: Certification in at least one aspect of the Realization Process (Embodiment, Meditation or Healing Ground).  This short training does not count toward full certification.

Certification: Realization Process Empathic Ground Teacher

Schedule: To be announced.

Stillness Moving: Movement/Embodiment

The main Realization Process practices for embodied nondual awakening as well as specific practices for moving as the embodiment of fundamental consciousness.  This training is for people who plan to teach Realization Process movement.  The Realization Process began as a movement technique, as a way of moving with the full breadth and depth of one’s being, as the luminous, quality-rich space of fundamental consciousness.

Format: Five days with Judith in Woodstock, NY.

Requirements for registration: Certification in at least one aspect of the Realization Process (Embodiment, Meditation or Healing Ground).  This short training does not count toward full certification in the Realization Process.

Certification: Realization Process Stillness Moving Teacher

Schedule: To be announced

Healing Through Embodiment Advanced Training

This training provides subtle Realization Process practices to help correct structural and energetic imbalances in the body, to cultivate internal support, increase mobility and release chronic tension.  The training does not address healing acute or life-threatening illness.

Format: Four days with Judith

Requirements for registration: Full certification in the Realization Process (completion of all three main trainings: Meditation, Embodiment and Healing Ground).

Certification: Realization Process Healing Through Embodiment Teacher

Schedule: To be announced.

The main training formats:

  1. Online: On Zoom for a six-month period from October-April with a break in mid-December to February 1. This training consists of twelve classes on Zoom with Judith Blackstone and requires weekly practice with a partner assigned from within the training group, brief reports every two weeks, and monthly practice with someone from outside of the training group.  One online training with Judith is offered every year.
  2. In person: Two five-day modules.  Part One is taught by senior teachers in Los Altos Hills, California, Portland, Oregon and Ann Arbor, Michigan and part two is taught by Judith Blackstone in Woodstock, New York. One in person training is offered every year.
  3. Online: On Zoom for sixteen three-hour periods (7:00-10:00 PM Eastern time) in summer.  Taught by senior teachers and Judith.

Each of the trainings prepares and authorizes you to teach that aspect of the Realization Process. A certificate is awarded at the completion of each training.  Full certification is awarded at the completion of all three trainings: Meditation, Healing Ground and Embodiment.  The trainings may be taken in any order.

The main Realization Process practices are taught in all three trainings, along with specific practices that focus on the theme of that training.  Trainings are for people who are experienced in the Realization Process and wish to teach others.  They are not for learning about the Realization Process.

All of the trainings help to cultivate the ability:

  1. To “see-feel” within the body of another person without losing inward contact with oneself.
  2. To recognize holding patterns that obstruct embodiment, personal maturity, relationships and nondual awakening.
  3. To receive another person in the clear space of fundamental consciousness with acceptance and compassion.

After practicing as a psychotherapist for more than 30 years, I have attended many psychotherapy trainings and meditation workshops. Judith’s Realization Process got my immediate attention as a radical game changing experience after my first training day. Not only did Judith’s exquisite teaching deliver in creating an accessible inner and outer space in the workshop setting, but her elegantly simple instructions made it possible to recreate the experience at home in my personal and professional life. The concept that we can access the most subtle level of consciousness within ourselves is not new. But the Realization Process method showed me that by going into my body, becoming embodied, I become more spacious, conscious, more myself. Rather than transcending the body, Judith taught me to find space within myself, within my physical, mental and emotional holding patterns. Her method teaches how to release these patterns to the space itself. That is radical. As a psychotherapist, I feel empowered to teach people how to let the space do the listening, seeing and healing.

Marcia Haarer LMSW

Psychotherapist and Realization Process teacher

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